Torchbearers International

Torchbearers International
Founder(s) Major W. Ian Thomas
Founded 1947
Location Estes Park, Colorado, USA, and with 25 affiliated centres in 20 countries around the world
Origins Capernwray Missionary Fellowship of Torchbearers, England
Key people Chris Thomas (Director)
Focus Promoting Christ in You - the hope of glory!
Motto "...that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection..." Philippians 3:10

Torchbearers International consists of an affiliation of 26 bible schools and educational centers around the world. Torchbearers International was founded by speaker and author Major W. Ian Thomas, in England, in 1947. The headquarters is now at Ravencrest Chalet, Estes Park, Colorado, USA.

Torchbearers International's goal is to provide practical Christian education to develop personal spiritual growth, prepare people for an effective Church life, and teach a working knowledge of the Bible. The organization works by providing a number of bible schools and Christian conference centres around the world. Their mission statement is: "Our Mission is to proclaim the transforming presence of Jesus Christ through Biblical teaching and practical training, equipping men and women for service in His Church worldwide."

Torchbearers' founder, Major W. Ian Thomas, was an evangelical teacher often identified with the Keswick Convention ministry. The main thrust of their theology is that of the exchanged life or 'Christ in You'.[1]


Central to Torchbearers' theology is the belief that the way in which one lives the Christian life is by quieting or extinguishing the self, and allowing Christ to live his life through you in a very literal way. This is the essential teaching of the Keswick Convention, which Thomas had been a featured speaker for. His advocation of Keswick theology earned him the label of a "strict Keswick" by M. James Sawyer Th.M., Ph.D in his article concerning the Keswick movement.[2] While there is no end to the verbiage and metaphor used to describe this process of Christ living through you (Thomas himself never used the term "extinguish oneself"), Major W. Ian Thomas states it in the following manner in the foreword he wrote for well-known Higher Life proponent Bob George in his Higher-Life opus "Classic Christianity".

There are those who have a life they never live. They have come to Christ and thanked Him only for what He did, but do not live in the power of who He is. Between the Jesus who "was" and the Jesus who "will be" they live in a spiritual vacuum, trying with no little zeal to live for Christ a life that only He can live in and through them, perpetually begging for what in Him they already have! [2]

It is also seen in the above quote that it is part and parcel of Thomas' theology to reject the theology of Lordship salvation. In Thomas' view, one may be a believer saved from eternal hell, but not truly living as a full Christian. In this view those who are saved, but live as if they were unsaved are referred to as "carnal" Christians. This doctrine has been heavily criticized by Evangelical teachers such as Brian Schwertly:

In such a scheme, professing Christians who refuse to submit to Christ as Lord and who refuse to lead lives characterized by obedience and holiness are called 'carnal Christians.' This heretical teaching has been called 'easy believism' and 'the carnal Christian heresy.' Sadly, such teaching has led countless thousands of poor souls down the broad path that leads to destruction.[3]

This doctrine has also been criticized for creating a division in the church of first-class "spiritual" Christians and second-class "carnal" Christians. As those who have found the principals of the "Higher Life" and put them into practice are those who are "Spiritual", and those who disagree with the "Higher Life" are carnal, they have come under the charge of having a certain spiritual smugness,[4] and an unwillingness to entertain debate and discussion.

Man in NORMALITY is to be distinguished from the animal kingdom by a quality of life and behavior, that can have no possible explanation apart from God Himself in the man. This fact is TRUTH! It is not subject to debate nor dialogue [5]

It is further observed that it is man's consent that is the efficacious will that moves GOD to accomplish sanctification in the life of the believer:

The One who calls you to a life of righteousness is the One who by our consent lives that life of righteousness through you! [6]

Affiliated Bible Schools


  1. ^ Ravencrest Chalet: The Main Thrust
  2. ^ From the foreword of Classic Christianity by Bob George, Eugene: Harvest House Publishers. ©1989.
  3. ^ The Necessity of Sanctification: A Brief Refutation of the Carnal Christian Heresy by Brian Schwertley Copyright 2001 Brian Schwertley
  4. ^ A Critique Of The Higher Live Movement
  5. ^ Ravencrest Chalet: The Main Thrust
  6. ^ The Saving Life of Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. ©1961